the blog's purpose: to describe Skylar's experiences (starseed related)
It is his life story that is the content, most of the time, unless, I decide to write as well.

It was begged to be posted by, and the site, is operated by El, who'se email address to be reached otherwise than her is

Email me with any comments or questions, or your own story you would like to add. We will copyright it with your information, and you will, be credited for such. These experiences are very important, and seem, to be the Goal of these torture programs, (SRA, MKULTRA, MILABS) they want to know more, of beyond. 

Because of the authoress of the site, El, he, has proved to Mk-Ultra that Angels do exist. Or so they said.

So this is Run by Skylar, he inputs information, and El posts .... El is available for writing services, went to college into creative writing classes, and is capable of producing a very beautiful and oritented website for you.


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